Mission & Vision
The Sudan Solidarity Collective formed in response to the outbreak of a brutal war in Sudan. It seeks to resource grassroots civil society formations at the frontlines of relief efforts in those parts of Sudan that have been hardest hit by militarised state violence. Comprised of a group of Sudanese diaspora (students, professionals, activists and community members), the collective also aims to develop spaces for the Sudanese community in Toronto and beyond, to come together in solidarity to facilitate avenues for collaboration around political education, advocacy, collective healing, mutual aid and community-building.
Our priorities
Sudan Solidarity Fund
Launching and sustaining a Sudan Solidarity Fund that provides direct financial assistance to civilian-led groups such as emergency response rooms, resistance committees, mutual aid groups and independent labour and farmers unions leading relief efforts. We support these groups as they respond to the life-threatening consequences of war and continue their valuable work within the Sudanese civil society sphere.
Community Building
To challenge and remove the barriers people are facing due to war-related loss and trauma. We seek to create spaces for the Sudanese diaspora to come together in solidarity to engage in political education, advocacy, collective healing, mutual aid and community building. Activities and initiatives may include, resettlement support for recently arrived Sudanese refugees, arts and cultural production, political education workshops, collective mental health support and political advocacy.
This is a non-hierarchical, intergenerational, anti-oppressive collective. Comprised of working groups based on skills and interests, its leadership is structured in a circular, tiered way. This collective is explicitly anti-war and does not align with any political parties or military actors and agendas. If you are interested in joining the collective, please reach out to sudansolidaritycollective@gmail.com.